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Living the Dream

Updated: Feb 1, 2022

Hola from Huatulco Mexico. As I settle into a month in this tropical climate, I am profoundly and deeply grateful. For the gift of this time and for the opportunity to “reflect on” all that has occurred in my life since I made the decision to leave my comfort zone and move to Camrose, two and a half years ago.

I lived with procrastination for sometime before I got brave enough to make this move. Perhaps you can you think of a time you have felt this way? A time when you have heard the longing and the desire deep within your heart, but fear held you back. In these moments, it takes great courage, faith and spiritual fortitude to make the decision to move forward. Maybe you are teetering there right now. Anais Nin sums up that decision moment beautifully in his quote,” and the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” For me this knowing came when I finally “saw” just how uncomfortable my comfort zone had become! Navigating the unknown is always scary, but what I am learning from the times I do take those leaps of faith, is, it IS always worth the risk. I feel stronger and braver today, and can affirm that the universe ALWAYS responds to my faith!

As I continue my own study and share what I am learning, I realize more deeply how resourced we each are. There is a universal, loving energy at work within each one of us and this world. As we learn to live in harmony with universal laws, and understand that our longings and dreams are an invitation to grow and evolve, we align ourselves with this spiritual energy. It is a powerful mental move to say “yes” to yourself and your dreams, yes to your growth and yes to your spiritual evolution. Decisions such as these move energy! It is here that the magic happens. When you let go of what you know, TRUST there is a flow to life. You will feel it, you will be guided in ways you can’t imagine.

A famous quote by Henry David Thoreau speaks to this. Thoreau was born on July 12, 1817. He was a naturalist, a poet, a philosopher and a transcendentalist best known for his book “Walden”. His experiment and reflections upon simple living in natural surroundings.

Henry decided to conduct an experiment with life. He wanted to discover how to live more deeply and meaningfully, and “in his words” to suck the marrow out of life and this is our invitation; To learn to live more fully and purposely into a life we would love.

Thoreau begins by saying, “if one advances confidently in the direction of their dream”. Living with mastery requires us to confidently decide for our dream and move towards it.

Then he writes, “endeavoring to live the life they are imagining” Endeavoring means we don’t have to take action perfectly, but we must continue to venture and take steps forward. This means having the courage at times to do it afraid. Even the tiniest of steps is very important to our endeavoring and will eventually get us to our vision.

When we do this, he continues, One passes an invisible boundary and meets with a success unexpected in common hours.” The invisible boundary is our thinking. We make up fear by the stories we tell ourselves. When we begin to believe in possibility rather than our current conditions and circumstances, we meet with unexpected success.

The code goes on to state, All sorts of things begin to occur that never otherwise would have occurred. New, more universal, liberal laws begin to establish themselves around that person or the old laws are rearranged in one’s favor...and this is when you experience those out of the blue happenings…synchronicities…that stem from the energy of your dream, the Power breathing you, and your vibrational frequency. My mentor says, I am never surprized when hear of the synchronicities but I am always amazed, and so am I!

The code ends with “nevertheless, one begins to live with the license of a higher order of being.” And with faith you’ll live into this beautiful quote by Henry David Thoreau.

I am a believer in this code! I have lived it over and over again since my cancer diagnosis 24 years ago. When I moved forward with fear to relocate in Camrose, the programs I coach now “found me”. I created a clear vision of the life I would love moving forward. From where I am in this moment, everything I envisioned was realized and I continue to dream new dreams! Universal, liberal laws did begin to establish themselves around me and the old laws were rearranged in my favor.

I found and am living in the house I had imagined. It met all the criteria I’d written down, including south facing windows that fill my open living space with sunshine. When I walked in this house, I knew I was home. The sale came together in ways I could not have imagined, and had me biting my nails at times!!

I love the work that I do as a transformational Life Coach; This new career path found me when it became clear I could not teach yoga in my new basement studio due to Covid restrictions.

I've cultivated wonderful friendships in my new community with active like-minded souls. I love how I am showing up for my three grown sons and grandkids, and a vision of mine to enjoy a fun-filled family holiday in Canmore, came true in December. How? A Camrose friend, my kayaking and hiking buddy “offered” me her condo for 4 days! And here I am in Huatulco, Mexico. I’m spending a month in this tropical climate on the ocean and I am able to coach my clients remotely via zoom. Again, I could not have imagined the how? Two and a half weeks ago a friend from my line dancing class invited me to share their three-bedroom condo for a month.

Last fall, an “inspired idea” for a beautiful children’s story “landed” in my mind. I am learning to pay attention now. I “listened” and I wrote. The book has been written and submitted for publishing. Now I wait with an open hand, heart and mind.

The longer I stay in this work, the more I see and believe, that as I continually say yes to what I’d love, and take action steps to create momentum, I am living with the license of a higher order of being.” I did not get here alone. I don’t believe this is how we are meant to do life.

For me this is what it truly means to live from a point of power within, aligning our energy to the Higher Power with us. And this is the way that life works when we are awake and aware and we allow the energy of our vision to pull us.

So, I invite you to ask yourself what would you love? Then listen. “The voice for truth speaks to every person on the planet, every single day, and that voice is as loud as our willingness to listen.” Gandhi

Blessings, Lynne

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