The journey of 3000 kilometers begins with the first 35, and this one began on June 19, 2022 as planned... I walked down to the water's edge at Pike Lake, had a few words with my brother Craig in celebration of his life... and started what could very well be the adventure of my lifetime.
A light drizzle cooled down the +33 C. temperatures we experienced the day before, and there with almost no wind. I blessed the flat prairies and reveled in the bird songs I heard along the way. It was the perfect morning to begin. Preparations for this trip and poor weather have limited my cycling opportunities, so my "training" is going to happen each day that I get on my bike.
I am celebrating myself for my entry into Saskatoon on Sunday, right up to the front door of my destination. I cycled like I knew what I was doing, on the over and underpasses and heard my mentor's words giving me the courage I needed to "own it" Lynne.
I am still in Saskatoon, finishing up with my illustrator and my book (slightly over my timeline) but it’s been worth it. As I shared my vision of what I want each page to look like, it’s been thrilling to see my story of transformation come to life. When I leave this Friday, June 24, I can fully focus on this tour as I set out east on the Yellowhead Highway. Truthfully it has been nice to have a couple of days to decompress and catch up on sleep. I am still marveling that the seed of this dream began in my mind on May 1st, at the Monkey Top Saloon (a story for another time)!
I have been so touched and encouraged by all of your cheer-leading, and it is helping me to give less credence to the voice of fear, that is like background noise right now. I’ve been applauded by some of you, for walking my talk. I appreciate this feedback, because I want to live into, and demonstrate what I teach, and I have too have dreams for my life that are pulling me forward.
I also believe strongly in the message of this inspired book, and I want to share this with anyone who will listen- which internal voice will you allow to guide your life. The most simplistic answer I have heard: “if the voice is not kind and loving, don’t listen to it.” Not easy when we are often lost in habitual and unconscious patterns of thinking.
The message in my book, “What If You Could?” is for everyone and anyone navigating change. Because we know that change is the only thing we can be certain of, and life is always calling us to grow…know you can safely gift this book to anyone who might need some inspiration to live into their dream. And remember, "courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it." Nelson Mandela
As I head east on the Yellowhead highway this Friday, I've already had friends and family who have extended invitations for me to stay with them en route to Winnipeg. From Winnipeg to Thunder Bay to Montreal, it feels like I am entering the abyss. Ok, maybe overly dramatic, but this is definitely out of my comfort zone. Right now it is hard to know how far I'll get each day. It will depend on the weather and how far this body will take me. If you have family or friends along this route who might welcome this "zany, heart-centered cyclist" on a mission- to set up her tent in their yard and offer me a shower, please feel free to message me. I would be most appreciative of the introduction and I thank you in advance.
I believe that the most amazing part of this journey will be the people I meet along the way. Thank you for your continued support and encouragement, to sharing my vision of raising $100,000 for Jack.org. as they train youth mentors to revolutionizing the way we think about mental health.
Imagine a world where people could be transparent about how they felt, and easily access the resources to support their mental health and wellness.
I am deeply grateful for all of you, and for the kindness and generosity I have already experienced... and I am only just beginning.
Here's to you living into your what if you could?
Blessings, Lynne